Can anybody come for counselling?
Anybody can come for therapy. We offer therapy/counselling to anybody for any issues.
How long will my therapy go for?
Each person's therapy is different and every person's issues are different. We start with four to six, one hour sessions and then recontract with you after these hours.
Is everything I talk about confidential in my appointments?
Everything in your appointments is kept confidential. However, each therapist must have and does have a professional supervisor where any client cases are discussed.
How much notice do I have to give if cancelling an appointment?
24 hours notice is to be given for cancelling an appointment. If 24 hours notice is not given, the full counselling fee will be charged.
How often do I come for therapy?
After your initial session, your therapist will recommend when to see them next.
How do I pay for my therapy sessions, cash or credit card?
We accept cash, credit/debit card, or upon special request, EFT.