The Australian Government recently held a public consultation process to inform the design of the National Centre for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse (the National Centre).
Eden Therapy Services were invited, along with survivors and other interested stakeholders, to have a say in a National Survey which will help inform the scope, function and priorities of the National Centre.
Specifically, Eden reinforced the importance of documenting client stories as living documents for the social record, and the importance of the support on the ground of complex trauma survivors of childhood sexual abuse, through group programs.
The establishment of a National Centre was a recommendation (9.9) of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Royal Commission). The Royal Commission recommended the Australian Government, along with state and territory governments, establish a National Centre to address child sexual abuse by reducing stigma, promoting help-seeking and supporting good practice.
The National Centre will provide a national strategic focus to coordinate research and build service capability to both respond to and prevent child sexual abuse.
As the National Centre is developed, information can be found on this page https://www.dss.gov.au/families-and-children-programs-services-children/national-centre-for-the-prevention-of-child-sexual-abuse-0